SDSU delays start of in-person classes for Spring semester

Written by Sebastian Acosta

 San Diego State University said Tuesday that it will begin the small number of planned in-person spring classes virtually for the first two weeks of the semester, while the university conducts COVID-19 testing for students slated to attend those classes.

Those virtual classes will begin on Jan. 20, with in-person instruction planned for Feb. 20, university officials said in a statement.  Fewer than a tenth of courses will be taught in-person.

“As with every crisis, we must continue to take good care of ourselves and our colleagues, peers, family members and neighbors. It is through our careful planning and personal daily actions that we bring this pandemic under control,” read the statement. 

This isn’t the first COVID-related move SDSU has made in recent days. Last week, the school’s University Senate voted to replace the five-day spring break with four “rest and recovery” days interspersed throughout the semester, during which no lectures, assignments, or exams will be held. 

San Diego County Public Health Officer Dr. Wilma Wooten argues that the change will protect students against coronavirus outbreaks.

“It is our firm belief that having a traditional nine-day Spring Break is irresponsible and puts our students, faculty, staff, and our local community at unnecessary risk,” said supporters of the plan in a letter.  

More than 1,700 students at SDSU have contracted COVID-19 since the start of the fall semester, the highest number of any college or university in California.