San Diego Law Enforcement will Step in for Purple Tier Enforcement

Written by Justin Culetu 

Earlier last week Governor Gavin Newsom announced that 94% of California’s population would be put under the “purple tier,” the most restrictive level of the state’s reopening plan, as COVID-19 cases continue to rise. San Diego County is one of the locations that has been pushed back to this tier. 

With the purple tier restrictions being put in place once again, local law enforcement officers have pledged to step in and assist with ensuring compliance. The police have promised to carry out some tasks including handing out masks in outdoor areas, educating people, and issuing citations or reporting cases to the District Attorney. 

As these Orwellian measures continue to be forced upon us by Sacramento politicians, statewide lockdowns will continue to take a toll on people’s mental health, job security, and economic prosperity. Gov. Newsom also stated that he is considering putting in place a curfew during his most recent COVID-19 briefing. The effectiveness of the ongoing lockdowns remains in question as California’s reopening strategies have been fairly strict compared to other states. Although the opening process has been slow, cases have continued to rise. California recently surpassed the 1 million positive cases mark despite the ongoing lockdown. San Diego County currently has 65,664 cases and counting.  

Also worth noting, just after the announcement was made that traditional Thanksgiving gatherings would not be permitted, Gov. Newsom was caught attending a birthday party for his political advisor, which went against his own mandate to avoid large gatherings with guests from multiple households. On Monday, Newsom apologized for his attendance, saying it was a “bad mistake.” It makes one wonder, if this pandemic is so serious, why are government officials breaking the rules while actively telling how crucial it is that we follow them?