Congressman Darrell Issa Opens Double Digit Lead Over Challenger

San Marcos, CA — A new San Diego Union-Tribune/10 News poll conducted by Survey USA shows Republican Congressman Darrell Issa with a double-digit lead over Democratic opponent Ammar Campa-Najjar. The poll has Issa leading with 51% to Campa-Najjar’s 40%, with 9% undecided.

In a statement, Issa attributed the poll results to his “busy schedule campaigning across the district over the past year, the fact that [he’s] winning the independent vote by a massive 14 point margin, and that the Republican base stuck with [him] through a long, difficult, and expensive primary campaign.”

Campa-Najjar has recently come under criticism for creating a bloody anti-Israel propaganda video in 2012 with the Palestinian Liberation Organization as well as leaked text messages between himself and anti-Israel activists and donors where he expressed anti-Israel positions contrary to his publicly expressed views.

Issa served as a member of the United States House of Representatives representing a succession of Southern California Districts from 2001-2019. He was the Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform from 2011-2015. He is currently the Republican candidate for California’s vacant 50th Congressional District.