Former San Diego City Attorney Jan Goldsmith Endorses Joe Leventhal for San Diego City Council

On Thursday, former San Diego City Attorney Jan Goldsmith officially announced his endorsement of Joe Leventhal for San Diego City Council District 5.

Goldsmith is a well-respected member of District 5, who has also served in the elected offices of Mayor of Poway, State Assemblyman, and San Diego City Attorney. He also served 10 years as a San Diego Superior Court Judge, showing an incredible career of public service that resonates with the San Diego community.

“Joe Leventhal is an accomplished attorney, business leader and former San Diego Ethics Commissioner who cares deeply about our community,” said Goldsmith. “His skills will help cut through political fog, solve problems and get things done while ensuring taxpayers’ interests are protected. As a resident of District 5, I fully support Joe for city council.”

Once elected to the San Diego City Council, Leventhal’s priority will be getting San Diego’s economy back on track to ensure that San Diegans have secure jobs or retirements, including a stable roof over their heads and food on their table. He strongly believes that bold, collaborative leadership, as he’s demonstrated throughout his life, is the best way to approach San Diego’s current and persistent challenges.

For more information about Joe Leventhal’s campaign for San Diego City Council, visit