Democrat Congressman Mike Levin Still Refusing to Debate Republican Candidate Brian Maryott

It has been one year since congressional candidate Brian Maryott first invited Rep. Mike Levin to participate in a series of public debates throughout the 49th Congressional District.

Over the past year, Maryott has repeatedly extended follow up debate proposals through various methods. However, all of Maryott’s invites have been met with outright refusal or silence from the Levin campaign. The excuse last year was that Maryott hadn’t made it past the primary election yet, but Levin’s avoidance has continued in the nearly six months since the election.

“I’ve sent Mike Levin multiple invitations to have a meaningful debate on the issues in a public forum that is accessible to all constituents in our district. He’s refused each one for over a year,” said Maryott. “It’s a shameful failure of duty on Mike’s part to continue denying the people of our district the opportunity to see us engage in a dialogue on the issues. Mike’s behavior is condemnable for a Congressional representative and beyond disrespectful to the voters and our democratic process.”

You can see Maryott’s first formal debate invitation—from August 2019—here. A recent debate invitation from Maryott’s campaign manager, Patrick Snow, can also be viewed here.

“Mike Levin would rather cowardly hide from public debates rather than face any scrutiny over his extreme record,” said Snow. “Brian Maryott remains the only candidate willing to engage, with anyone, in a dialogue on the issues — that’s true leadership Mike knows nothing about.”