State Senator Pat Bates Continues Advocating for Constituents Despite Being in Self-Isolation

Back-and-forth lockdowns are re-openings have not just affected schools, churches, and businesses, as the California State Legislature has also been in and out of session.

This inconsistency has led to proposals for remote legislating and voting, both of which have been controversial. The uncertainty associated with the pandemic and corresponding policy response has been a true challenge for legislators and the public alike.

While some elected officials have used the pandemic to consolidate and abuse the power, such as Gov. Gavin Newsom, other have shown admirable restraint and leadership. State Senator Pat Bates has been extremely active in understanding and fighting for the needs of her constituents, ensuring that funds are allocated properly and efficiently during a time when taxpayers are struggling immensely.

She has also shown a rare level of responsibility, which is on display in a personal update provided this morning.

“I am currently self-isolating in Sacramento after a Senate colleague tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this week,” said Bates. “I took a test for the virus and learned today that I have tested negative.”

While this may seem irrelevant or obvious, the reality is that many people—particularly those in elected office—do not care to consider the needs of others. Bates, on the other hand, has proven to value others and this accountable behavior exudes that. Despite being in isolation, she is continuing to serve her constituents and attending every Senate session.

“Due to public health protocols and out of an abundance of caution, I will continue to self-isolate for the time being,” Senator Bates added. “I am fully participating in Senate floor sessions remotely, including voting on legislation, to ensure that the people of South Orange and North San Diego Counties are represented. I will continue to represent all of my constituents in the final days of the 2020 regular legislative session and beyond.”