SANDAG Executive Director Hasan Ikhrata’s Unethical Campaign Donations Show the Importance of Re-Electing County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar

Written by Ainsley Jackman

When Democrat County Supervisor candidate Terra Lawson-Remer challenger to incumbent Republican Kristin Gaspar disclosed her campaign finances, it came to light that supposedly nonpartisan SANDAG Executive Director Hasan Ikhrata had donated the maximum legal amount to her campaign. He has also donated to other far-left Democrats, including Todd Gloria and Georgette Gomez.

The race between Lawson-Remer and incumbent Republican Kristin Gaspar for County Supervisor of District 3 is more significant than it may seem, as it determines whether there will be a Democrat or Republican majority on the Board of Supervisors. One of the many powers of the Board of Supervisors it appointments to SANDAG. If Lawson-Remer wins, that will solidify Democrat power over both SANDAG and the County Board of Supervisors.

The race is of special interest to Ikhrata, as his plan for implementing substantial public transportation in San Diego is a big issue at the moment. Republicans have opposed his most recent plan largely due to the massive bill of $177 billion, a number that seems especially unattainable amid the pandemic, which Democrats intend to pay for by diverting 100% of the voter-approved road funding.

Supervisor Kristin Gaspar has been a leading voice against the proposal, calling it “utopian and expensive.” Together with Supervisor Jim Desmond, she has dealt significant damage to Ikhrata’s plan, showing his political interest in supporting Lawson-Remer’s campaign.

It’s not difficult to see why Ikhrata’s donation has raised some eyebrows. As the supposedly nonpartisan head of a public agency, he’s breaking precedent by taking a political side based on the candidate’s support of his policies. He’s not just donating to show personal preference anymore—he’s attempting to remove those against his plan from the SANDAG Board of Directors altogether.

Such a move makes it difficult for Gaspar and other Republican SANDAG Board members to advocate for conservative policies because it pits them against Ikhrata, and he’s now shown that he is willing to push for their opponents to remove them from office altogether when they disagree.

Ikhrata has created an unacceptable conflict of interest as well as set a dangerous precedent that it’s acceptable for nonpartisan executives to become publicly political while holding office.

If you want speak out against his unethical actions, you can find letter templates to the SANDAG Leadership or a representative Board member here.