Candidate Profile: Juan Hidalgo Jr. for Congress

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Juan Hidalgo Jr. is the Republican Party of San Diego County’s endorsed candidate for the 51st Congressional District. He is a retired United States Marine Corps Sergeant Major that received the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with “V” device for combat valor.

After more than 30 years serving honorably in the Marine Corps, Hidalgo wants to continue serving his country—this time in Congress.

One of the major issues Hidalgo is concerned with is unemployment. National City, an area he would be representing if elected, has an 11% unemployment rate. This is nearly triple the statewide unemployment rate. He intends to reduce this by cutting regulation and removing much of the government intervention in the economy.

Another issue he wants to address is border security. “We need the wall. Good fences make good neighbors. This is NOT a racial issue, as some may think. It’s a national security and public safety issue,” said Hidalgo. “At this time, our border allows terrorists, criminals, and drugs to enter the United States.”

In addition to protecting the border, he also wants to end chain migration, “catch and release,” and implement a merit-based immigration system.

By contrast, his opponent, Democrat Rep. Juan Vargas is a career politician who has done next to nothing to advance the interests of his constituents. Vargas began serving in elected office in 1993 on the San Diego City Council, floating from one office to the next on an ambitious trajectory for political power. He represents Congress in the worst kind of way, putting his own interests over his constituents.

Juan Hidalgo has dedicated his life to serving the United States, and if elected, will continue to do so in Congress. He’s the kind of change we desperately need, and his lifetime of service speaks volumes about his character.

For more information about Juan Hidalgo and his campaign, visit