Jim Desmond Needs Your Help — County Service Response by Friday

Fellow Republicans,

We need you. Applications are due Friday July 31 by 5 p.m. (by e-mail ok).

Nathan Fletcher and his Democrat leaders want to get rid of Prop 13 and your Republican values. The County redistricting commission will impact the face of the County Supervisors and their $6.4 billion budget. This will impact freedom, the Second Amendment, abortion clinics, churches, and yes, YOUR TAXES!

BUT – you can stop them by making sure the redistricting is done fair. It’s easy to stop them as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Commit to a short service period (only a few meetings) to complete service by 8/31/21 the latest.
  2. Apply to be selected by FRIDAY July 31st by 5 pm (very simple application)
  3. Be selected by the random lottery selection process

Yes, the more friends we have in the application pool the better chance we have to win!

Here are the 1, 2, 3 easy steps to apply:

  1. Download the application
  2. Fill out the application—by hand or fill in on your computer
  3. Confirm you can qualify for the redistricting commission
  4. E-mail in your signed and completed application
  5. Sign your completed application, scan it (if not signed electronically), and e-mail it to: redistricting@sdcounty.ca.gov

Who qualifies to apply:

  1. San Diego County residents
  2. Registered to vote with the same political party or listed as no party preference for the last five years.
  3. Must have voted in at least one of the last three statewide elections.
  4. Cannot qualify if a person or spouse, child, in-law, of the following folks:
    • Been appointed to, elected to, or have been a candidate for office at the local, state, or federal level in County of San Diego.
    • Served as an employee of, or paid consultant for, an elected representative at the local, state, or federal level in County of San Diego.
    • Served as an employee of, or paid consultant for, a candidate for office at the local, state, or federal level in County of San Diego.
    • Served as an officer, employee, or paid consultant of a political party or as an appointed member of a political party central committee.
    • Been a registered federal, state, or local lobbyist.

Selection process: 

Applications will be screened for the 60 most qualified applicants. One commissioner for each of the five districts will be picked during a random drawing at the Oct. 13 Board of Supervisors meeting. A second random drawing that day will select three additional commissioners for a total of eight.

Those commissioners will meet to decide on six more to round out a 14-member commission.

We at the party are here to help you with your application. You can email <STAFF NAME> and contact.

Thanks for being a great American and answering the call for duty. The future of San Diego is in your hands.