Congressman Mike Levin Still Refusing to Debate with Brian Maryott

Written by Julianne Foster

The 49th Congressional District Republican candidate Brian Maryott has been hard at work throughout the campaign process, communicating to voters why he’s a much better fit for Congress that Rep. Mike Levin. He stands boldly for his beliefs and is outspoken about his desires for the community should he win the seat.

Maryott recognizes the financial stresses and various other issues that San Diegans are facing as a result of the enforced and prolonged lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He is also disappointed with the recent redirection of education to online classes, knowing the negative impacts it will have on the education and life experience of students.

In response to recent civil unrest, he supports law enforcement and does not tolerate violent riots. He respects those who protest peacefully and fully supports the protection of all citizens. Maryott supports veterans, border security, helping the homeless effectively, and protection of the coastline and environment. He looks to gain the support of those that wish for lower taxes, economic growth, and the lowered cost and increased choices in healthcare.

One critical problem amid his campaign is his opponent, Rep. Levin, refusing to debate with him. On July 22, Team Maryott Campaign Manager Patrick Snow sent a letter again inviting Rep. Levin to discuss the plans of formal debates. This letter follows after their original request to debate with Levin went unsatisfied dating back to August of 2019.

Maryott’s negotiable terms include three in-person debates occurring between mid-August and early-October, with constituents present and adhering to all COVID-19 safety measures. The debates should be free and widely accessible to the general public through television and an online live stream. There should be neutral moderators agreed upon by both campaigns present to oversee the topics discussed and agreed upon by both campaigns. According to Maryott, such topics would be “focusing on issues that directly impact the district.”

Maryott is clearly upset by Levin’s uncooperative attitude towards the needed debates. Rep. Levin has mentioned the possibility of debates in October, yet Maryott finds this unacceptable as it will be after the early ballots are disseminated. It is extremely important for elected officials to be transparent with voters about their record, policies, and actions in government, something Levin has refused to do.

The people of District 49 are in need of hearing a formal and educated discussion between the candidates in order to properly plan their vote. “We strongly believe that voters deserve and demand to hear from both candidates prior to casting their ballots,” Maryott explained.

For more information about Brian Maryott and his campaign, visit