State Assembly Candidate June Cutter Hosts Successful Drive-By Parade

With less than 100 days left until the election, it’s crunch time for candidates across the nation. June Cutter, candidate for State Assembly District 77, has been keeping her campaign efforts up throughout the pandemic.

She officially celebrated “100 days to go” with a drive-by car parade, featuring an ice cream truck, meet and greet, and campaign merchandise pickup. Volunteers also helped visitors check their voting registration, and handed out voter registration forms.

This family-friendly fun event goes hand-in-hand with Cutter’s focus on schools and families. As a mother of two, she knows the unique challenges that California’s families face, and will fight to protect our children. 

Cutter’s opponent, Brian Maienschein, has spent his time in Sacramento as another lobbyist pawn. Instead of trying to make life better for the people who elected him, he has sold out to special interest groups and put their priorities over struggling families and businesses.

His infamous decision to switch parties to become a Democrat after spending many years in elected office as a Republican has lost him the trust of many voters. District 77 needs a representative that can truly represent them, not a bought and paid for politician.

For more information about June Cutter and her campaign for State Assembly, visit