San Diego Police Department Officers Compensated $8.6 Million in Overtime Pay After Recent Protests

Written by Michael Palomba

Last month, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department reported that officers were compensated nearly $2 million in overtime following recent protests. That number came just weeks after it was revealed that Southern California Highway Patrol officers had been compensated over $5 million in overtime pay for the same reason.

Well, that trend is continuing as protests and riots continue to take place. The San Diego Police Department has now revealed that $8.6 million has been paid out to officers for overtime.

San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer was asked about the overtime cost, and explained that the increased police presence was necessary to ensure protests remained peaceful and safe. “I think it’s incredibly important for our police department to ensure everyone is protected when they’re exercising their first amendment rights,” said Mayor Faulconer.

Law enforcement officers are being thrown under the bus by public officials across the nation. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently referred to federal officers as President Trump’s “stormtroopers” in reference to Nazi soldiers. Additionally, mayors and governors of Democratic cities and states have joined the anti-police movement—and crime is skyrocketing as a result.

Major cities across the nation have been defaced with paintings of the communist hammer and sickle on the street, graffiti calling to “kill all cops” and “abolish capitalism.” The Brooklyn Bridge even had “WARZONE BLM” and “F*** THE POLICE” spray painted in giant letters. None of this is about black lives, and the lawlessness has gone on for too long. 

Mayor Faulconer has stood by our police force because he knows that they are here to keep San Diego safe. And while it is good that our officers are being paid for their overtime, the reason for that overtime is terrible. Violent riots have ravaged countless cities across the nation, and the only way to prevent what happened in La Mesa from occurring in the City of San Diego was with a substantial police force.


Photo by Tomás Del Coro via Flickr