Escondido City Councilwoman Olga Diaz Fighting for Tax Increases and Against Public Safety

Written by Michael Palomba

Escondido City Councilwoman Olga Diaz has completely gone off the rails. This week, when discussing a proposed ballot measure that would increase the sales tax dramatically, she claimed that mentioning “public safety” in the proposal may “complicate things” and fought to remove “gang and crime prevention” from its language. She argued that language may act as a “dog whistle,” suggesting that public safety and crime prevention are sensitive topics.ย 

Republican Party of San Diego County Chairman Tony Krvaric tweeted about these embarrassing statement’s during the livestream of the City Council meeting.

Diaz also refused to mention “pensions” in the text of the measure, despite the fact that a large chunk of the increased tax revenue would go towards funding the cityโ€™s unfunded pension liabilities.

Olga Diaz has made it extremely clear that she does not have the interests of law-abiding, upstanding citizens at heart. Fighting to remove “gang and crime prevention” from a proposal makes it clear that Diaz has an agenda. On what planet is public safety a controversial topic?ย 

There are two positive aspects that came from all of this, however. After spending hours advocating for criminals, gangs, and higher taxes, Diaz said, “Iโ€™ve chosen to move on [from the City Council] after this term.”

The other piece of good news is that the proposed tax increase measure failed, thanks to the bravery of City Councilman Mike Morasco. His vote was the determining factor in whether or not the proposal would pass, and despite the immense pressure and attacks coming from his Democratic colleagues, Morasco held firm.