SANDAG Coastal Commission Making Progress on Stabilizing Coastal Bluffs

SANDAG’s California Coastal Commission approved changes to phase four of the Del Mar Bluffs Stabilization project, allocating funds to further stabilize our coastal bluffs. Elected officials across the county have been advocating for such efforts since a series of fatal bluff erosion episodes in 2019.

State Senator Pat Bates recently proposed legislation to protect the bluffs, which received widespread support from both sides of the political aisle. SB 1090 “would require the Coastal Commission to approve a public agency’s or homeowner’s application for erosion mitigation efforts for planting, drainage, and seawall or shoreline protective device installation — but only if certain requirements for coastal mitigation are met,” explained Senator Bates.

Among those in favor of Bates’ SB 1090 was State Assembly candidate Melanie Burkholder, who emphasized the need for stabilization efforts in light of the tragic accidents that had occurred in Del Mar’s sister city, Encinitas.

“SB 1090 streamlines and facilitates the capacity for the Governments of Encinitas and San Diego County to develop and approve substantive repairs to the bluffs to prevent such a tragedy from happening again,” Burkholder said.

“The California Coastal Commission’s decision today will help ensure continued reliability for our county’s major rail corridor, which is crucial for goods movement, commuters, and supporting our nation’s military,” said SANDAG Chair and Poway Mayor Steve Vaus. “It is critical that we continue to reinforce this section of track in Del Mar, while exploring alternatives to move the tracks completely off the bluffs.”

Protecting these bluffs will help ensure the safety of San Diegans in the beach area. Whether they be living near these cliffs or lounging on the sand below them, they should feel assured that the bluffs are stable. SANDAG’s effort to do so has occurred thanks to the work of local elected officials and the voices of everyday citizens hoping to protect the beautiful community they love.


Photo by Sergei Gussev via Flickr