San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer and City Councilman Chris Cate Successfully Fight for Reopening of Barbershops and Salons

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Last week, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer joined City Councilman Chris Cate in writing a letter to Gov. Newsom urging him to allow for the outdoor operation of barbershops and salons.

“We are writing to respectfully request your office take emergency executive action to allow hair salons and barbershops to operate outdoors,” the letter begins. It later points out the harm that it will cause to the small business community by stating “small businesses account for 98 percent of San Diego Businesses and the impacts COVID-19 has had on our small businesses, many which are family owned and run, have been significant.”

Faulconer and Cate correctly illustrated that small businesses—like barbershops and salons—are already struggling as a result of the first shutdown and many will not survive another one. As a solution, he mentioned the concessions given to other business sectors like retail and outdoor dining, hoping that a similar situation can be allowed for salons and barbershops.

The second closing is going to destroy many businesses and offers little benefit as compensation. Faulconer and Cate’s letter is a step in the right direction and, thankfully, their advice has been heeded by Gov. Newsom as of yesterday.

This change clearly would not have been possible without the active and vocal leadership of Mayor Kevin Faulconer, City Councilman Chris Cate, and several other local Republicans.