Burkholder: Support Our Law Enforcement and Make Them the Best They Can Be

Written by Melanie Burkholder, candidate for Assembly District 76

The First Amendment right to free speech and assembly is sacrosanct. Our nation draws its greatest strength from freedom of expression, a fundamental and underlying tenet of our republic upon which our free market system thrives as is evidenced by the recent peaceful protests in our very own Carlsbad. Our Founding Fathers understood this, hence its place as the First Amendment in our Bill of Rights.

But freedom of speech stops when violence occurs, or riots are incited and property is damaged. And for the last few months, we have seen police departments across this country under siege, both literally and figuratively, as local elected leaders both here and across the nation actively call for their reduction or complete abolishment in the face of rising crime waves and riotous behavior in our most populous cities.

Our very own San Diego County Democratic Party has called for the defunding of our great police departments throughout San Diego. They have even gone so far as to completely spurn and direct the rejection of all support or endorsements from the law enforcement community. We have seen mayors in Baltimore and Seattle, city council members in Minneapolis, and other elected and appointed officials openly supporting lawless mobs over law-abiding residents of their jurisdictions. Our citizens, including those of low income most vulnerable to violent crimes, are seemingly abandoned in favor of political talking points to cater to a far-left base that has shown itself on multiple occasions to be less than peaceful, and it pains me to my core to see such contempt for law and order by those elected to protect us.

In those cases where law enforcement fails to act properly, or performs duties in a reckless and dangerous manner, there must be consequences—no one denies or questions that. But when the entirety of a force is treated with contempt, it does not serve the people, and it is almost frightening to witness the utter dereliction of duty in allowing violent and lawless behavior to continue, with greater payments in human cost by those unable to defend themselves.

If we want to improve our law enforcement, give them more training, and make them the best they can be, then the most irresponsible thing that can be done is to take away resources at such a crucial time in the name of political pandering. Our first responders put their lives on the line every day, and they deserve our gratitude, respect, and support.

My opponent has been completely silent on this issue. When I am elected, I will sponsor legislation that will hold state and local officials accountable if they fail to enforce laws protecting life and property. I will continue to serve and protect my constituency as I did during my tenure as a federal law enforcement agent. I will also fight to ensure state and local law enforcement have the resources they need to do their job, protect and serve the innocent and those unable to defend themselves, and be the best and most professional police forces they can be.