Joel Anderson Continues County Supervisor Campaign Success with Fundraising Milestone

The push to reopen San Diego has been spearheaded by local Republican leaders, including former state senator and current County Supervisor candidate Joel Anderson, who turned his focus to protecting our lakes and reservoirs.

His petition to reopen these spaces directly led to their preservation, allowing citizens to safely fish, hunt, and enjoy the water. Several of these lakes were in danger of closing indefinitely due to budget shortfalls, but Anderson’s promotion of fiscal responsibility coupled with the public support he rallied swooped in to save the day.

Now, he’s receiving widespread praise and support for his smart policies and dedication to public service. The Pacific Southwest Association of Realtors (PSAR) officially endorsed Anderson, touting his outstanding campaign execution and ability to reach across the aisle to work with Democrats on bipartisan legislation. Shortly thereafter, the San Diego East County Chamber of Commerce endorsed Anderson’s pro-business leadership as well.

Enthusiastic support for Anderson has come from all parts of East County. As of the June 30 deadline, he raised nearly $138,000 with no debts—a rarity among candidates. “I have been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of our support,” said Anderson. “Our endorsements, volunteers and contributors have shown that voters want an East County Representative fighting for us.”

For more information about Joel Anderson’s campaign, visit