Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Demeans Protesters Who Want Their Jobs Back

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Earlier this week, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez tweeted about protesters who want their jobs and lives back, and attempted to turn it into a forced connection to race.

Attempting to make something about race is a common tactic Democrats use when they have nothing intelligent to say on the matter and have no other arguments, but it’s especially ridiculous coming from Lorena Gonzalez. 

In her Twitter bio, she states that she is a “Labor Leader.” Apparently, she’s only a labor leader when it’s politically advantageous because never has there been more need for a real leader. Over 25 percent of California is unemployed and that number is only growing. Many people are struggling to feed their families while the state government obsesses over a virus that has resulted in zero cases in several California counties. 

With this tweet, she shows that she is not a labor leader, but a Democratic shill. The fact that she would turn an issue that is affecting millions of people into a cheap virtue signal for identity politics shows that she does not care about workers. It’s also quite likely that if the protest featured exclusively “young black and brown men,” Gonzalez would have had nothing to say. This sort of transparent racialism has become the norm for many Democrats, and she is no exception.

During this time of crisis when many are out of work, the state needs people that truly care about resolving the issue and Gonzalez has shown that she is clearly not one of them.


Photo by Trending Topics 2019 via Flickr