Center for American Liberty Files Petition to Stop Governor Newsom’s Aid to Illegal Immigrants

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Last week, the Center For American Liberty, coordinating with the Dhillon Law Group, represented two clients filing an emergency petition to the California Supreme Court regarding Governor Gavin Newsom’s aid to illegal immigrants.

On April 15, Governor Newsom announced a plan that would allocate $75 million in funds to be dispersed to nonprofits, with the money being reserved for illegal immigrants in the form of $500 checks. The Center for American Liberty is requesting that the Court immediately halt Governor Newsom’s appropriation of these funds.

The grounds for the petition are the fact that both California and federal law prevent such aid from being given to illegal immigrants—laws that this plan is in clear violation of. In addition, appropriating funds to organizations not under the control of the state is also illegal according to the California Constitution.

“The Governor made clear in his comments that he is giving $75,000,000 in lieu of unemployment benefits that state and federal law bar to aliens working here illegally,” explained Center for American Liberty CEO Harmeet K. Dhillon. “It is also concerning that unnamed nonprofits, who have no accountability to the taxpayer, are going to receive and distribute taxpayer dollars.”

Speaking further about the petition, Dhillon noted that “this is taxpayer money that may only be appropriated by the legislative branch. This is not a slush fund for the Governor to spend as he sees fit.”

On constitutional and legal grounds, Dhillon is exactly right. The governor has no authority to re-appropriate funding, as the State Legislature maintains power over such matters.

“Governor Newsom is ignoring the proper, and constitutional, channel to appropriate funds. At a time when law-abiding Californians are crushed by unemployment, housing issues, business closures, and massive limitations on our normal lives, Governor Newsom is doing an end-run around the legal guardrails in place,” Dhillon added. “There is no accountability over the distribution of these funds to individuals legally not entitled to cash benefits. The laws apply to everyone, even the Governor, and we hope the California Supreme Court will agree.”

The California Supreme Court has demanded that Governor Newsom respond to the lawsuit. It is unclear how the case will proceed from here, but Harmeet K. Dhillon and the Center for American Liberty will surely continue the fight for constitutional integrity and the rule of law. While supposed civil rights organizations like the ACLU sit idly by while Californians have their rights trampled on, the Center for American Liberty remains committed to protecting our rights.

If you would like more information regarding the petition, visit the Center for American Liberty website. If you would like to support their work in fighting for our freedoms, you can donate here.