Poway Mayor Steve Vaus Launches “Angels Will Help” Program

Now more than ever, it’s incredibly important for communities to stick together. However, that can provde difficult in our current state of social distancing, which has made in-person connection especially hard. 

Poway Mayor Steve Vaus recently launched the “Angels Will Help” program to help neighbors assist one another. “For many folks, getting to the store, post office, pharmacy, even running the simplest of errands isn’t wise or, in some cases, possible,” said Vaus.

In addition to seniors and the immunocompromised, this is especially true for our first responders, many of whom are working long hours on the frontlines to protect the public.

Those interested in lending a helping hand can print out the form here, and then distribute copies around their neighborhoods while following proper social distancing protocol.

“It’s a great way for folks to help one another, and that’s what we need to do in a time like this,” Vaus added. “I’m hoping for an army of angels out there to take care of one another. We’ll get through this all together.”