Noli Zosa’s “Winging it Forward” Program Continuing to Provide Meals to First Responders

Written by Michael Palomba

If you haven’t heard of Noli Zosa’s “Winging it Forward” program, you can read more about it here.

The San Diego City Council District 7 candidate owns a successful local restaurant group called Dirty Birds of Pacific Beach. Zosa launched the “Winging it Forward” program to help support San Diego’s first responders, many of whom are on the frontlines of fighting the coronavirus.

The organization continues to assist our first responders, at a time when we need it most. The San Diego Police Officers Association recently thanked Zosa for supplying meals to several divisions.

Zosa and the rest of the team at Dirty Birds should be commended for their contributions and commitment to the community. Police officers, firefighters, and medical personnel do not have the choice to stay inside and quarantine during this pandemic. They have to be at work, helping the community every single day.

It’s important that we don’t forget how first responders risk their lives on a daily basis for our safety. Not just now in the midst of a global pandemic, but all the time. Zosa understands this, and his support for our community shows just that.

For more information about Noli Zosa and his campaign, visit