House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Promotes the CARES Act

Written by Michael Palomba

Following the passage of the $2 trillion spending bill in the House, Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy made some Floor Remarks.

In his nine minutes of remarks, McCarthy reminds Americans that they aren’t alone. “I want to say to everyone watching us at home right now…we hear your concern … we feel your anxiety, and we know what we need to do.”

“When this year began, Americans were enjoying a level of peace and prosperity unheard of in modern times. The economy was at record highs. Unemployment for American workers was at record lows. Take-home pay was rising, and business closures were falling,” he continued. “But a few weeks ago, we learned about an invisible enemy from a distant land — an enemy like we had never faced before.”

It’s worth emphasizing that McCarthy makes it clear that the virus is from “a distant land.” When President Trump referred to coronavirus as the “China Virus,” the liberal media lost its collective mind. This despite the fact that China has lied about the virus from the beginning and even tried to blame American soldiers for bringing the disease. The same liberal media had been referring to the virus as “Wuhan Coronavirus” up until the very moment the president uttered the words “China Virus.”

One reporter pressed Trump on this issue and he stood firm, asserting that China is responsible for this pandemic.

Later in his speech, McCarthy stresses how unity will get us through these hard times. “But we will fight it together—until we win, together.”

Speaking of the need to help taxpayers, their families, and small businesses as the “pillars of American life,” McCarthy passionately explained that the CARES Act was just what Americans need at this moment.

“This bill is not only a rescue package, it’s a commitment—a commitment that your government, and the people whom you elected to serve you, will do everything we can to limit the harm and hardship you face, both now and in the foreseeable future.”

McCarty finishes by again stressing the need for unity.

“We are going to do this together. And in the end, we are going to be healthier, stronger, and more united than ever before. Because, as Americans, that’s who we are.”

You can watch Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s complete remarks below: