With Scott Sherman’s Defeat, San Diegans are Left with Two Awful Democratic Mayoral Candidates

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

It’s official, Republicans candidate Scott Sherman has been narrowly defeated in the race to become the next Mayor of San Diego. Democrats Todd Gloria and Barbara Bry finished first and second, respectively, and will advance to the general election.

The favorite to become the next mayor is Todd Gloria, who finished with 41.49% of the vote. Bry, by contrast, amassed 22.91% of the vote, while Sherman received 22.57%.

While current San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer has forwarded pragmatic conservatism in a city dominated by leftists, Gloria will do no such thing. Gloria will not only condone the causes of issues such as homelessness and unaffordable housing, he will champion them. The Soviet-style bureaucracies that stifle construction and really anything done in the city will continue to exist and may even be strengthened. 

In addition to housing, problems like illegal immigration will likely only worsen. If San Diego could be declared a sanctuary city even during Faulconer’s tenure, there is absolutely no hope for immigration reform from a dedicated far-leftist.

Perhaps the best thing that Republicans can do in this situation is to simply not vote for either Democrat. By drastically reducing the turnout, the data will show what a sideshow this year’s election will really be. It’s not much, but it’s something and it’s really all we can do.

On a national stage, this election would be like a Julian Castro vs. Elizabeth Warren matchup, politically and demographically. They both basically believe the exact same things. The only real difference is their institutional support, and in this case, Gloria has received the endorsements of nearly every major leftist organization in San Diego.