June Cutter Embracing the Spirit of Service

Written by Michael Huling

There’s no question that the past few weeks have been incredibly challenging not just for San Diego or the United States, but the entire world. The COVID-19 pandemic has radically transformed our lives in ways that were unthinkable just a month ago. The outbreak has left countless people feeling isolated and hopeless, but that’s where a sense of community becomes absolutely vital.

Assembly candidate June Cutter continues to display the community service and leadership desperately needed during this time. While the campaign has been her focus for much of the past two years, the current shutdown has allowed Cutter to divert her efforts elsewhere. “As political campaigns pause and regroup under the mandate of social distancing, I can think of no better way to use my time than to serve the community that I love so dearly,” she explained.

So, what exactly has June Cutter been up to lately?

“In addition to being there for my beloved clients when they need it most, I have spent the last two weeks at home with my kids, staying on top of their academics as we prepare for the possibility of long-distance learning; setting up grocery collections for the low-income senior living communities in our neighborhood; starting a wave of inspirational chalk art to encourage neighbors on their daily social distancing walks; and picking up a few shifts at the San Diego Food Bank,” said Cutter.

This is exactly the kind of public service and community involvement that San Diego needs during this difficult time. While her opponent, Assemblyman Brian Maienschein, remains largely invisible to the public, Cutter continues to exude the positivity and leadership San Diegans are looking for.