Senate Republican Leader Grove Praises President and Republican Congressional Leaders for Passage of $2 Trillion Federal Stimulus Package

SACRAMENTO – Today, Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) released the following statement after President Trump signed a $2 trillion federal stimulus package that will provide economic relief to families, expand unemployment insurance, support large and small job creators, and assist the healthcare industry.

Known as the third phase of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the massive stimulus package will offer some financial assistance to almost every individual and business affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This is a historic and unprecedented stimulus package that supports Americans. Small business owners, independent contractors, families, and schools alike will see relief because of this critical legislation.

“I commend President Trump and House Republican Leader McCarthy for their steadfast leadership. Some of the hardest days in history have revealed the bravest acts of Americans. Although we are in the midst of challenging and unsettling times, I am certain America will persevere,” said Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove.