Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Shouts “F**k Donald Trump” at Campaign Event

California’s deeply detested anti-freelancing law, AB 5, has raised plenty of commotion since its passage. Its consequences run deep, already affecting thousands of independent contractors who relied on their flexibility to maintain their careers. Instead of protecting workers from being exploited, AB 5 has had grave impacts on nearly every trade in California, from reporters to actors to Lyft drivers. 

AB 5 author Lorena Gonzalez is under a lot of pressure to deal with the criticism, and her response has consistently been profanity, disrespect, and contempt towards concerned constituents. She refuses to recognize that she’s decimating the lives of thousands of Californians, proceeding with her business as usual cronyism.

Bill opponents from across the political spectrum brought a protest to one of Gonzalez’s events, in hopes of raising awareness for their concerns through a peaceful and respectful demonstration. However, upon seeing the protestors, Gonzalez couldn’t bring herself to respond in a respectful manner. Instead, she settled for a tried-and-true insult used frequently by leftists, screaming “F**k Donald Trump!”

Supporters were indignant, as Gonzalez lost control of her stage to both her crowd and the responding protestors. Waving them off as “Trump supporters,” she joked that she “didn’t need them in this arena tonight.”

There’s no indication that these were Trump supporters, as the only “partisan” aspect of their involvement was their opposition to AB 5. But even that isn’t really partisan given that the bill has garnered adamant opposition from across the political spectrum. It turns out that having your career and life flipped upside down isn’t a partisan issue—it’s a human issue.

Assemblywoman Gonzalez bringing up Orange Man Bad™ as a rebuke to genuine concerns from your constituents is only proof that she doesn’t really care about what they have to say. Gonzalez should have more respect for her own legislation than she’s shown. Rather than work with criticism to better the state, she has chosen to sit on her union high horse and laugh at all the silly “Trump supporters” and their “petty” complaints.

Those complaints won’t be very petty when Californians continue to demonstrate their unity and determination to protect their freedom to choose when, where, how, and for whom to work.