Bernie Sanders Dominating in California Primary Polling

Written by Michael Palomba 

The Democratic Party is shifting more and more to the left at a rapid pace. This comes as the state is falling apart, largely due to its socialistic policies. From homelessness to income inequality and, of course, corruption, the state is facing massive issues.

Bloomberg News published an article in November 2019 titled America’s Biggest Problems are Intensified in California, and that’s a fairly true statement. 

As we’ve reported, the homeless population of California is easily the largest in the country. If fact, there was a nationwide decrease in homelessness in 2019 if you exclude California, but the increase in our state negated the decrease everywhere else.

Well, as shifting to the left generates more and more problems, Democrats are racing as far left as possible. According to polling from the Public Policy Institute of California, socialist candidate Bernie Sanders is gaining massive support in California. Sanders has a significant lead over everyone, while the other leading candidates are clustered around 12 percent.

This should be alarming for Democrats and Republicans alike. Bernie Sanders is perhaps the most far-left candidate to ever run for president, and he has normalized the idea of socialism in the U.S. in a way that hasn’t been the case since prior to World War II.

Here are some of his policies:

Medicare-for-All: While there’s no debate that “free” healthcare would be great, nothing is free. Bernie has repeatedly dodged questions on how he would pay for his plan, which is estimated to cost upwards of $40 trillion.

Green New Deal: Sanders’ campaign website describes this as “Transforming our energy system.” Specifically, making it 100 percent renewable energy-based. This, like Medicare-for-All, would be massively expensive along with being destructive to countless industries and professions.

Free College: The story here is the same as Medicare-for-All. Free college would be great, but nothing is free and in the end, everyone will pay for it.

And these are just a few of his many costly and unrealistic policies.

Sanders has said that a “wealth tax” will contribute to funding his plans, but this is a problem for several reasons. First, a wealth tax simply isn’t enough to pay for everything he wants to do. So middle-class taxes would inevitably increase.

The other issue with his wealth tax is that it would make the U.S. even harder to do business in. California is facing an exodus of business (and people) due to its high tax rates and other anti-business policies. If policies similar to these were implemented nationwide, I would hate to see how the economy would do.

The truth of the matter is Sanders and his supporters believe the country needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. They believe it’s a flawed and racist place filled with greedy capitalists, and they want to put a stop to it. But this just isn’t the case.

This country has always been great and is one of the least racist, most prosperous nations in the world. And under President Trump’s leadership, the American strength that was lost under Obama is back, both domestically and internationally.

Unemployment is at record lows (including minority and women), the economy is at new highs and breaks records constantly, the border is being secured (something Democrats were on board with for decades but quickly became against once Trump got elected), the military is rebuilt, and America is respected again.


Photo by Shelly Prevost via Flickr