Letter to Assemblyman Brian Maienschein Regarding the Consequences of AB 5 and the Need to Pass the Repeal Bill: AB 1928

The following letter was written by Sheryl Schane to Assemblyman Brian Maienschein regarding AB 5 and AB 1928

Dear Mr. Maienschein,

It has been a month since Lance Witmondt and Rob Knudsen met with me in your San Diego district office regarding AB 5. I wanted to share with you a link of a letter that will give you a truer picture of the unintended consequences and professional businesses destroyed because of AB 5.

Open the first link below to the letter turned into a blog post. The letter was written by Sara Kustiner Petri, a California CPA. This letter is addressed to all Democrats in the California State Assembly and State Senate, which says it all. And, the second link below includes 150+ professions of stories from “Freelancers Against AB5” Facebook group documenting the negative impacts of Assembly Bill 5. I am one of those stories listed under “Event Planner.”



This is what your YES on AB 5 vote has contributed to by voting along the Democratic Party line. The unions bought you, Mr. Maienschein. You were sold a bill of goods without reading the entire language of this poorly written bill. You are an attorney with a law degree, yet you voted for a bill you thought would only correct an Uber/Lyft and Postmates misclassification of workers.

Your vote has contributed to thousands of professionals no longer able to work with their clients because hiring entities are very confused and have been advised by their Human Resource or Legal Departments, not to deal with contracting with California freelancers. Many of us, including myself, have had an LLC, S Corp or Corp entity. Mr. Maienschein, you have contributed to tens of thousands of California residents losing their contracts. This work, since January 1, 2020, is being outsourced to other out of state professionals. Nicely done!

After 10+ years of supporting you, Mr. Brian Maienschein, I am asking why you voted for AB 5? What were you thinking?

I have included your opponent, Ms. June Cutter, and CC:d her on this email. This is what is really happening to constituents of the 77th Assembly District.

What say you?

I am urging you to do the right thing now: reverse course and vote for AB 1928, which will repeal AB 5. It’s time to take a step back and restore work to California residents. Assembly Bill 1928 will be introduced on the Assembly Floor on Thursday, February 27, 2020.

Kind Regards,

Sheryl Schane

Constituent of the 77th Assembly District

Sheryl Schane is a San Diego based, certified meeting and convention planner, with over 25 years in the Hospitality and Tourism industry. Of Particular Interest, Sheryl has provided meeting planning for corporations, Business Trade Associations and Chambers of Commerce all over Southern CA. Sheryl’s work includes planning, coordinating and managing onsite operations for several industries: Medical, Building, Technology, Insurance, Investment Banking, Financial Services and professional sports. In 1997, Sheryl represented the Downtown San Diego Partnership as a Business Community Liaison and member of the Superbowl Host Committee, one of two Superbowls in San Diego during the NFL’s 5-year swing rotation. The Impact AB 5 is having on Sheryl and the entire Meeting and Event Planning Profession is significant.