Democrats Call for Affordable Housing but Hypocritically Oppose Measure B

Housing: it’s San Diego’s greatest vice and a seemingly inescapable problem that has only worsened as time has gone on. As the election season draws nearer, many San Diegans are looking towards measures that can provide much-needed housing to the city. Measure B, an initiative to build more low and middle-income housing in the Vista/San Marcos/Escondido area, may just be the solution that voters are looking for.

Measure B addresses concerns from all sides of the political spectrum. Providing low-income units seems like a good idea in theory, but many politicians have voiced concerns about the environmental impacts and the density issues such construction could pose. Measure B accounts for precisely these concerns and addresses them in full. Not only does it seek to build a carbon-neutral, environmentally friendly community that preserves open space, but it also offers privately funded traffic improvements to alleviate nearby traffic congestion. Rentals would begin at about $1,400 a month, and home purchases would start at $300,000.

This thoughtfully planned community would provide attainably priced housing to working families on limited incomes, as opposed to other proposed developments for the same area. The San Diego County Board of Supervisors notably chose Measure B’s housing concepts over mansions and a mega-mall. 

Since day one, Republicans have supported housing development in San Diego, and such support shines through the Republican Party of San Diego County’s endorsement of the measure. However, the San Diego County Democratic Party opposes Measure B, despite how much their candidates advocate for more affordable housing development. It’s a shame to see this double standard, especially when San Diegans suffer as a result.

Regardless of what those on the other side of the political aisle would like voters to think, Measure B deserves support from San Diegans across the political spectrum. A well-constructed measure that seeks to build housing, help the environment, alleviate traffic, and support working families should always be welcome in San Diego.