San Diego County Supervisors Pass Vaping Ban in Unincorporated Areas

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors recently put into effect a one-year moratorium on the sale of electronic smoking products. They also decided to ban the popular flavored vaping liquids. The moratorium will officially begin on February 28, but will not be enforced until July 1.

The ban on flavored liquids will be lifted if and when the CDC completes its research on the harmful effects of the liquid. This ordinance was prompted by the recent outbreak of lung issues over the past year, supposedly caused by vaping.

Initial investigations have suggested that the culprit behind these injuries was unlicensed online vendors selling poor quality vaping liquid laced with other substances. This ordinance is only for the unincorporated areas of San Diego County outside of the 18 cities.

The supporters of this ban believe that they are acting in the interest of public health and safety while the opposition suggests that this ban will not affect the business of these unlicensed online vendors and may drive teenagers back to smoking cigarettes.

The vote from the Board of Supervisors was quite close at 3-2 in favor of the ban. The ban was supported by Nathan Fletcher, Dianne Jacobs, and Greg Cox. It was opposed by Kristin Gaspar and Jim Desmond.

It’s uncertain if the ban will be replicated throughout the rest of San Diego County in the coming months, but much of it is contingent on ongoing research from the CDC and other bodies.