Vote YES on B This March – A Better Choice for Our County

This March, voters will have the opportunity to vote YES on Measure B – the Better Choice Measure — to help solve the County’s housing crisis. If passed, Measure B will provide San Diego County with 2,135 homes, thousands of jobs and an annual economic impact of $203.6 million.

A YES vote on Measure B is a Better Choice for 1,985 acres of privately-owned land off the I-15 that will be developed one way or the other. Currently, the San Diego County General Plan designates this land for two million square feet of commercial and retail development along with 99 estate homes.

Instead of the General Plan designation, voting YES on B would approve 2,135 new homes, 60 percent of which will be priced for working families — guaranteed by a legally binding deed restriction on the property. This kind of housing will help police officers, firefighters, teachers and others priced out of San Diego’s housing market find a home in our County near more than 280,000 jobs in North County.

This project was unanimously approved by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors in 2018. Unfortunately, the Washington, D.C.-based owners of the nearby Golden Door Spa have spent millions to force the Board of Supervisors approval to a countywide vote in the upcoming March election.

There is strong, countywide support for YES on B. San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, San Diego City Councilmember Chris Cate, San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones, the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, North San Diego Business Chamber, San Diego County Taxpayers Association, Deputy Sheriff’s Association of San Diego County and North San Diego County Association of REALTORS, among many others all resoundingly support YES on B.

On March 3, join police, firefighters, teachers and others priced out of San Diego’s housing market to vote YES on B — a Better Choice for San Diego!