Vote YES on Measure B this March

Please take a few minutes to read about Measure B that will appear on your ballots for the March primary. Early voting started Monday, and the absentee ballots will be in the mail this week. I urge you to vote YES on Measure B whether by mail ballot or at the voting booth on March 3rd. Below is more detail on the importance of a YES vote and a brief video describing the Measure. Thank you for your support!

Measure B – the Better Choice Measure – will appear on the March 3, 2020 primary election ballot.

Voting YES on B provides San Diego County residents with a Better Choice for the development of private property in North County that is going to be developed one way or the other. Currently, the County General Plan allows up to 2 million square feet of commercial space and 99 luxury homes. Instead, Measure B provides a Better Choice, with 2,135 homes, 60 percent of which are required to be affordably-priced for local working families under a legally-binding covenant.

This proposed community was unanimously approved by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors in 2018 after being thoroughly studied and refined through an extensive, open, 4½ year public process. Unfortunately, the billionaire owners of a nearby $10,000-a-week luxury spa spent millions to referend the Board of Supervisor’s approval of this community, and now we need your help to ensure this much needed housing is available for working families.

The growing list of organizations in support of this project are voting YES on B because it will:

  • Create 2,135 carbon-neutral homes for working families.
  • Prioritize about 500 homes through a legally-binding covenant for first responders, veterans, EMTs, military personnel and teachers.
  • Provide 60 percent of the homes in the community at prices affordable for working families (starting in the mid $300,000s).
  • Generate an overall economic impact of $203.6 million.
  • Provide 1,446 permanent jobs and 628 construction jobs.
  • Create 1,331 critically needed affordably-priced homes for working families like yours.
  • Preserve 1,209 acres of permanent open space plus parks and trails.
  • Provide $4.4 million in fire prevention funding, $56 million for road improvements and $19 million for local schools.

These are the reasons why YES on B has been endorsed by Cal Fire Firefighters 2281, San Diego Police Officers Association, the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, Local Laborers 89 and the Chicano Federation, among dozens of other public safety groups, businesses, chambers of commerce and nonprofit organizations.

Learn more about YES on B and how you can support the measure by signing up here.

If you are interested in volunteering or signing up for a YES on B yard sign, please click here.