Flood Areas in San Marcos Improved Thanks to Mayor Rebecca Jones

Recently, the City of San Marcos commenced the construction of the San Marcos Creek Project. The project aims to create an infrastructure that will not only make San Marcos safer, but more enjoyable for residents in ways never seen before. The project will take about two years to finish, but came to fruition thanks to the diligence and determination of San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones.

The San Marcos Creek Project was developed to help combat the flood issues that often plague San Marcos. By constructing two new bridges within the city, the San Marcos Creek will be channelized ensuring citizen safety and easier mobility around the city.

Moreover, the project also has environmental benefits. As a result, approximately 1.5 miles of natural habitat will be preserved and enhanced in conjunction with a park creation that will serve as protection for local endangered wildlife. Lastly, the project will allow for the San Marcos Creek to be prominently displayed and allow San Diegans to enjoy the creek in a new and unique way.

Photo by Ron Mader via Flickr

The entire project will cost around $100 million, but will serve as a crucial and necessary investment for San Marcos. Mayor Rebecca Jones is clearly committed and dedicated to making San Marcos the best city it can possibly be.

She remains driven while listening to citizens, resulting in an effective and productive resolution to a hazardous issue like floods. Moreover, she has remained completely transparent with regard to the project and allows citizens to follow her every step of the way with the San Marcos Creek Project via social media and websites.

It’s refreshing to see Mayor Rebecca Jones launch a constructive and necessary project that will not only benefit the citizens of San Marcos, but bolster the entire city as well.