All Four Democratic Congressman from San Diego Supporting the Impeachment Charade

Written by Michael Palomba

The four Democratic Congressmen of San Diego all voted to impeach President Trump in the House’s recent impeachment vote. Representatives Susan Davis, Mike Levin, Scott Peters, and Juan Vargas all voted yes on both articles of impeachment, which are abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Before voting, Levin said that “no one is above the law, not even the president. That is why I support both articles of impeachment.” Ironically, neither of the articles have anything to do with the rule of law. Democrats are classifying—or at least trying to—the president’s actions as “high crimes and misdemeanors.” However, there is no law in place that he has violated. Rep. Levin also actively advocates for illegal immigrants, despite claiming to care about “the rule of law.”

Rep. Davis said, “Make no mistake. We are not impeaching the president. He is impeaching himself. If you are the president, and you obstruct justice, try to bribe a foreign leader and threaten national security, you’re going to get impeached. End of story.” However, “bribery” and “obstruction of justice” were not included in any of the articles passed by Congress. There is also no evidence that our national security was threatened in any way. 

Rep. Peters called it a “solemn day” for America. But that is hard to believe considering his colleagues had to be visually scolded by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi when they began cheering after passing the articles.

Rep. Vargas reminded constituents that he was one of the first members of Congress to support impeachment. But with no evidence of impeachable offenses anywhere to be found, this surely isn’t something to be proud of.

At the end of the day, this impeachment scam is Democrats attempting to undo the results of the 2016 election. Results that, to this day, they have been unable and unwilling to accept. Tens of millions of Americans voted to elect Donald Trump, and every single one should be furious that Democrats are trying to nullify their vote. 

Democrat leaders in the House have also suggested that they would be willing to impeach Trump a second time. This comes after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she will be withholding the articles of impeachment from the Senate indefinitely. Democrats have taken every ounce of precedent regarding impeachment and thrown it out the window, all because of a pipe dream that they will be able to undo an election that did not go in their favor.

Not all Democrats are happy about what their party has become. New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew switched to the Republican Party over the impeachment charade. Representatives Jared Golden of Maine and Collin C. Peterson of Minnesota also voted no on one or both of the impeachment articles. Democrat presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard voted “present,” citing the partisan nature of the impeachment. Every House Republican voted against both articles.

A recent Gallup poll also revealed that support for impeachment is dropping precipitously, with the majority of Americans now being opposed.