Voice of San Diego’s 2019 Voice of the Year Is… Ridiculous and Partisan!

As 2019 comes to close, it would be reasonable to reflect upon the year and recognize the people who made a substantial impact throughout the past 12 months. To no surprise, Voice of San Diego did just that by creating an absolutely absurd and partisan list that clearly favors the left.

Firstly, they praised far-left elected officials such as City Councilwoman Barbara Bry, City Attorney Mara Elliott, Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, and other power hungry leftists. Each of the elected officials has been solely responsible for multiple initiatives that inevitably harm San Diegans and benefit their political ambitions.

Moreover, Voice crowned SANDAG Executive Director Hasan Ikhrata as the overall Voice of 2019. Known for being a self-serving bureaucrat and having the propensity to use hard-earned taxpayer money for independent expenditures, it seems only fitting that a blindly partisan “news source” would name Ikhrata as its Voice of 2019.

Photo by Jp Valery

In an attempt to uphold their self-proclaimed neutrality, the list recognizes members more on the “right side” of the spectrum, such as District Attorney Summer Stephan, Councilman Mark Kersey, and Assemblyman Brian Maienschien. However, in clear partisan fashion, the list only recognizes them for leaving the Republican Party.

Instead of focusing on the productive work like Voice managed to do for members on the left, their deviation from the right side is what garnered recognition. Furthermore, Voice continued to unsuccessfully mask its obvious left wing bias by including names such as Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, and Eddie Gallagher. Once again, their descriptions for why they made the list were stingy and failed to encompass the gravity of their achievements and/or bravery displayed throughout the year.

The list concocted by the Voice of San Diego is pathetic, disingenuous, and a true display of partisan politics. Moreover, their attempt to appear bipartisan was equally futile and ridiculous given the extremely evident favoritism towards the left. Yet, this certainly will not be the last time that the Voice of San Diego provides such comically partisan and absurd news under the facade of Objective Journalism™.