Brian Maryott Continues to Build Momentum, Now Tied with Congressman Mike Levin in Latest Polls

As the race for the 49th congressional district begins to heat up, Republican candidate Brian Maryott and incumbent Democratic Rep. Mike Levin are neck and neck. Recent polls show tied results of 43 percent each on the first ballot, and 44 percent each on the second.

In a race as tight as this one, these numbers provide no comfort to Rep. Levin, but show definite prospects for Maryott if he maintains and increases his support.

Early momentum such as this is crucial. Democrats are pouring money into Levin’s re-election bid to keep the seat blue, but Maryott continues to fight for the seat and the citizens he hopes to represent.

Republicans have been looking for a way to take back the 49th district since Diane Harkey’s defeat in 2018. Levin has been unable to keep the trust of his voters and deliver on his campaign promises, and is also far to the left of the constituents that make up the district. It turns out that a relatively conservative district isn’t interested in the Green New Deal, Medicare-for-All, banning fossil fuels, abolishing the Electoral College, and impeaching President Trump. Perhaps if Rep. Levin actually cared about representing his constituents and not forwarding his far-left agenda, he’d be doing much better in the polls.

Needless to say, the race for the 49th will be one to watch as the election draws nearer. With the Maryott’s campaign building and Levin’s losing traction, it’s clear that the people are sick of ineffective legislation and are disappointed in their congressman.