Sherman’s Reform Measure Unanimously Approved for March Ballot

City Auditor Reform Ballot Measure to go Before Voters

San Diego – Today, the City Council voted unanimously to place Councilmember Scott Sherman’s proposed charter amendment on the March 3rd Primary ballot.

As Audit Committee Chairman and a member of this year’s Auditor Search Committee, it became clear to Sherman that there was a fundamental flaw in the Auditor selection process. Currently, the Mayor’s office appoints the City Auditor. This appointment process could create accountability issues since the City Auditor would be tasked with conducting oversight of, and holding accountable the administration.

To fix this flaw, Sherman’s ballot measure, if approved by voters would make the following changes:

  • The Audit Committee vets all applicants and nominates three candidates to the full City Council
  • The City Council interviews the three candidates and appoints the best qualified
  • Mayoral administration not involved in the appointment process

“The City Auditor is vital to holding city administration accountable and ensuring taxpayer dollars are spent properly,” said Councilmember Sherman. “The administration shouldn’t be in charge of choosing who is overseeing the administration. This ballot measure will help ensure this important position is truly independent.”

To review the ballot measure, please click here.


Photo by Josh Esh