Democrats Continue to Ignore Border Security while Illegal Border Crossing Attempts Increase

Written by Michael Palomba

Over 58,000 people were stopped in the San Diego sector the U.S.-Mexico border from October 2018 to September 2019. The staggering numbers were revealed in a recent Border Patrol press release.

The new number is a whopping 20,000 more than the same period the year before. Meanwhile, Democrats are still claiming that the crisis at the border is “manufactured” or that it is a humanitarian crisis, rather than admitting that it is a major national security threat.

Despite hurdles from Democrats, border enforcement has been going well. Acting Deputy Chief Patrol Agent Kathleen Scudder said in a statement, “I have been very pleased with our progress within San Diego Sector’s area of responsibility, particularly with the long overdue and ongoing replacement infrastructure.”

The infrastructure she is referring to, in part, is the border wall upgrade being forwarded by President Trump. One wall upgrade project was completed in August, with more on the way. A secondary project is expected to be completed in January 2020 and four new miles of wall will be completed by August 2020. Those four new miles will focus on the border region of Tecate.

The press release also revealed that many of the migrants being detained over the past year are from countries other than Mexico. According to the release, a record high of 27,255 people were from countries other than Mexico. That’s up from 11,509 the year before. Families also made up significant portion with 16,174 processed, up from 4,408 the previous year.

This just reveals what we already know—border security is a major issue that Democrats continue to refuse to address, even at the expense of their constituents. The only question remaining is if voters will finally say enough is enough.