Navy Establishes New Blue Tech Center of Expertise at UC San Diego

Just recently, the Coast Guard named UCSD’s Scripps Institute of Oceanography the Blue Tech Center of Expertise (COE) to test and develop blue water technology. Bluewater technology is used to help carry out surveillance, monitor, search and rescue, and perform law enforcement duties and maritime safety.

Congressional analysts stated that the new center will modestly enhance the Coast Guard’s research abilities. 

These recent events will extend Scripps’ work in testing and improving maritime technology. Examples of some of the maritime technology are deep-sea sensors, autonomous underwater gliders, lasers, and drones. 

The main campus of the COE is just 12 miles north of a large Coast Guard base in San Diego Bay and operates four research vessels and one ocean-going platform. Two of those vessels and the ocean-going platform will be operated by the Navy.