Governor Newsom Signs Radical Bill Mandating Access to Abortion on College Campuses

Last Friday, Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation that will mandate all California public universities to provide abortion medication effective in 2023. Essentially, California has become the first state to endorse the killing of babies on college campuses.

According to the legislation, public colleges would be responsible for providing two pills: one to block the hormone progesterone and one that is to be taken a few days later, creating the same effects as a miscarriage. Moreover, the pills would only be accessible for women who are less than 10 weeks pregnant. If it was not already clear that the law is insane and just another far-left ploy to diminish the sanctity of life, even former Governor Jerry Brown vetoed a similar bill during his tenure.

Governor Newsom is just a far-left radical who is willing to degrade the lives of unborn children in order to make more money. Furthermore, Governor Newsom only passed the bill as a form of retaliation to Republican states that passed strict regulations on abortion earlier this year.

It is evident that Governor Newsom is pushing so-called “abortion rights”—which are not protected rights to begin with—in order to stay politically relevant and is only going where the money is at the expense of someone’s right to life.

The passing of the legislation is clearly just an act of political expediency on behalf of Governor Newsom. Yet, the passing of the bill touches on a bigger picture as well: certain states are devaluing the right to life to seem politically correct or to make a political statement. Basically, the right to life has just become another talking point for politicians.

People are endorsing the right to kill babies just because they feel they need to have the right to do so. California Democrats claimed Republicans were “misguided” with regard to the strict abortion laws, but with this new legislation, it’s time for California Democrats to take a look in the mirror.