Democratic Corruption: Ed Buck Edition

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

In what world is the owner of a house where drugs were found and two men died, both on separate occasions, not even investigated, much less charged? This is the question that many people in Los Angeles are asking as Ed Buck, a millionaire Democratic donor, is only now being charged after more than two years since the first victim overdosed in his home.

After two deaths, two years, and nine accusers coming out, the possibility of Ed Buck seeing justice for his crimes is only now beginning to become a reality. Currently, Buck is being charged with operating a drug den as well as being involved with the death of Gemmel Moore more than two years ago.

In addition to the charges, the nine accusers are claiming that Buck would inject the men with meth, often against their will and while they were sleeping, in exchange for their participation in his sexual fetishes. This fits with the story of the third accuser who nearly suffered a fatal overdose, but managed to escape the home and call the authorities from a local gas station.

These stories of Buck combined with the two dead men made it clear to everyone that he needed to be investigated. Everyone except for the Los Angeles District Attorney. What a coincidence then that Buck was a major donor to the Hollywood Democratic political machine.

Throughout the last decade, Buck has donated more than $500,000 dollars to Democratic causes and politicians, including West Hollywood City Council members, Los Angeles Unified School District board members, and the current mayor. Other articles have correctly mentioned that while Buck had loose purse strings in politics, he donated very little to law enforcement. This is true, but in the world of politics, things roll downhill.

This claim is not currently backed by the evidence but in situations like this, it is hard not to question the possibility of conspiracy. How could two men die in the home of someone as politically connected and wealthy as Buck and receive no investigation for two years? That is something for the District Attorney needed to address years ago, and the immense Democratic corruption and contradiction simply can’t be overstated.