California Democrats Unsupportive of Kamala Harris for President

If it was not already obvious enough that presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) was out of the presidential race, the endorsement of Joe Biden from fellow California Senator Dianne Feinstein surely sealed the deal.

Despite his presence in the Ukraine matter, Feinstein believes Biden will be the best for the presidency based on his prior experience and his tentative plans for gun control. Furthermore, Sen. Feinstein deems Biden’s seniority as advantageous and sees it as a source for possible insight that the other candidates do not possess.

The endorsement by Feinstein comes at a critical time for former Vice President Joe Biden since he has been declining in the polls due to his involvement in the Ukraine matter and constant gaffes. 

The endorsement of Biden from Senator Feinstein is the first public sign of explicit support for a candidate from a top legislator in the 2020 presidential campaign. However, her endorsement also conveys a different message, highlighting how California Democrats are completely uninterested in having Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as a president.

Harris is not a serious presidential candidate and the fact that her own state party does not support her speaks volumes about the incompetence of her platform. Moreover, her dwindling support has been displayed in the polls. The most current Quinnipiac poll has her tied with Andrew Yang for fifth place, at about three percent.

Sen. Kamala Harris has completely lost momentum in terms of her presidential campaign. It has been known that the country has not supported Harris for some time, but now her own state and fellow colleagues have echoed the country’s opinion as well. Based on the current data, it seems that Harris has been dethroned once and for all.


Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr