Governor Newsom Continuing to Lose Support

Governor Gavin Newsom is losing supporters left, right, and center. Recent polls from the Public Policy Institute of California show that less than half of likely voters approve of his governorship. A recent UC Berkeley poll, though presenting different statistics, noted that most of his approval was mild or passive—essentially, people simply think he’s “meh.”

What does this say about the state of California’s government? To say the least, it’s not stellar. A general sense of malaise in the government is plaguing California, and voters are sticking it to the man. Newsom is going to need more than just passive approval to get reelected, especially when his entire Democratic government is receiving heat from voters to do better.

It should come as no surprise to the governor why his numbers are dropping. Digging through his policy only produces disappointment after disappointment. He’s stirred up dissent among his own party, worsened sky-high housing costs, fought the Trump Administration head-to-head, allowed the dumpster fire that is SANDAG to fester, and destroyed the freelance job market

Californians don’t like being lied to, and they certainly don’t like their economy being driven into the ground. These disapproval ratings just prove that the Democrats in charge of California don’t understand that their actions have consequences. If Newsom wants to play with fire, he shouldn’t be upset when it burns his career as a politician.