Republican Delegates Train and Prepare for 2020 Election in Indian Wells

This weekend, the California GOP is hosting the Fall 2019 Convention with the theme of Train. Campaign. Win. The focus for many at the Convention is to train and prepare for the upcoming 2020 elections.

A step to having well-rounded individuals is the Hispanic Engagement Trainingwhere the Party is making an effort to reach out to a broader demographic. The training has the goal of fostering these ideas on the ground in Hispanic communities, countering the efforts from the left, by educating and empowering Hispanics to prosper on their own terms.

The Hispanic Engagement Training audience was an attentive crowd that was eager to learn. They learned about the concerns and issues facing many people in the Hispanic community, as well as how the Party can get more involved to make a real change.

In addition to the Hispanic Engagement Training, there are several training opportunities throughout the weekend as well as Califonia Republican Party Committee meetings, volunteer organization meetings, and banquets where those in attendance have the chance to listen to excellent speakers.