California Republican Party Elects Latina Francis Barraza as Regional Vice Chair South

The California Republican Party elected Francis Barraza, Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Community Engagement, to be South Regional Vice Chairwoman at the CAGOP convention.

She formerly served as the Executive Director of the Republican Party of San Diego County, State Director of Hispanic Initiatives for the Republican National Committee, and most recently as the Campaign Manager for Mayor Faulconer’s successful reelection campaign.

The group elected Barraza by acclamation to the seat and showed their confidence in her ability to do an amazing job. Her hard work has helped her rise to the position and will only continue into the future. Barraza is active in the Hispanic community, promoting political engagement and a renewed interest in electing more responsible people to office.

After receiving a unanimous vote in her favor from a filled room, she gave a speech in which she stated, “I want to thank both Tony [Krvaric] and Fred [Whitaker] for what they taught me and look forward to using those lessons to serve both the state party and the voters.”

Francis Barraza is a dedicated leader who will work to better her community. Although she is a San Diegan, she was “politically raised” in Orange County. The CAGOP is lucky to have another strong Latina leading the way. She is a sign of the next generation of Republican leaders compared to the Democrats who have continued to only put men in power and politics before the people.