City Tax of the Day: Water

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Do you want more taxes? Of course you do! Like always, the City of San Diego has you covered. Water rates are set to rise by nearly 6.3 percent in order to improve water infrastructure and reliability.

The tax increase is split into two parts: 1.46 percent is from the San Diego Water Authority and 4.82 percent is from the City, totaling 6.28 percent. Ah yes, nothing says “we’ve chronically mismanaged taxpayer funds” quite like bureaucratic double-dipping.

The rate increase was passed in 2015 after San Diego finished its cost of service study. The City is expected to complete another study next year, but this is government time we’re talking about so add an extra five years and a question mark on that deadline.

The old prices still apply for water bills prior to September 1 and the new rate only affects future bills. According to the City, a single-family home that uses 9,000 gallons of water per month will pay an extra $5.58 on their future bills. 

People that need financial assistance can ask about the H2O SD bill payment assistance program. The City also gives advice online on how to save and reduce water usage. Maybe next time, citizens can give them advice on how to save money and reduce spending.


Photo by Dan Watson