San Diego Navy Ship Joins Training in Malaysia

Once again, the Navy proves its excellence and sophistication with military training and preparation. Last week, the USS Montgomery and an Alameda-based Coast Guard ship performed training with Malaysian warships.

Known as the Maritime Training Activity, the annual program with the Royal Malaysian Navy and Maritime Enforcement Agency occurred on the west coast of Malaysia, close to Lumut. The program comprised of land and sea training for five days, focusing specifically on naval interoperability. Moreover, this year’s training program was the first to incorporate coast guards from two allied countries.

San Diego-based Navy officials have expressed the importance of the training for maritime security. According to Captain Matthew Jerbi, the training allows the Navy to reach new levels while improving their current maritime capabilities.

The USS Montgomery was not the only ship to participate in the training, however. The USCGC Stratton, USNS Millinocket, the Lekiu-class frigate KD Lekiu, and the Kasturi-class corvette KD Gagah Samudera all joined the training program as well.

Notably, the USNS Millinocket is one of only 10 transports that can handle a full squad of Marines in addition to all of their vehicles. There is no doubt that the San Diego Navy sector is one of the most advanced branches of the United States Navy, and their participation in the overseas training only highlights that fact. 


Photo by the Official U.S. Navy Page via Flickr