Amy Reichert Voices Concerns Over County’s Allocation of Tax Dollars and Migrant Center Proposal

San Diego, CA – In the past three weeks, we’ve witnessed a staggering influx of over 13,000 individuals into San Diego County. This unprecedented situation is a direct result of the ineptness displayed by the Federal Government in addressing our nation’s immigration process. Now, the County of San Diego’s Board of Supervisors is proposing to allocate $3 million of your hard-earned tax dollars towards addressing a federal issue, putting our community at risk.

The County Board of Supervisors’ plan to establish a migrant center on Market Street is deeply concerning. They are attempting to force a border issue into our peaceful neighborhood, shifting the responsibility away from the Federal Government and onto the shoulders of our residents. It is unjust to burden our community with a crisis that should be addressed at the federal level.

The proposed migrant center is close to an elementary school and residential areas. Bringing in hundreds of migrants daily amidst our residents and school children is a recipe for chaos and potential jeopardy to our community. Our top priority should be our neighborhood and kids’ safety and well-being.

This $3 million, which was initially intended for COVID relief, is just the beginning. This allocation will only increase, draining resources to support our community during these challenging times. We have pressing issues that need to be addressed, including homelessness. Converting a county facility into a migrant center is not a sustainable or an appropriate solution. The Federal Government must bear the responsibility for managing this ongoing crisis.

With a burn rate of less than three months and no end in sight to the migrant crisis, the County Board’s decision to allocate funds in this manner is wildly irresponsible. We urge the County Board of Supervisors to reconsider their approach, prioritize the needs and safety of our community, and call upon the Federal Government to take the appropriate measures to address this pressing issue.