Happy Anniversary to the DC Crime Bill

Today marks the six month anniversary of Mike Levin backing lower penalties for violent crime. Mike Levin’s vote was so extreme that even Alex Padilla, Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden couldn’t match Levin’s position on this.

Since 2022, there has been:

📈 37% increase in DC violent crime

📈 29% increase in DC property crime

📈 28% increase in DC homicides

📈 114% increase in DC motor vehicle theft

Levin’s decision to side with soft-on-crime policies shows he doesn’t view an increase in violent crime to be concerning despite poll after poll after poll showing the issue is on voters’ minds.

“Six months ago Mike Levin made his position clear: he represents the most extreme fringe in the Democrat Party. Across the country crime is on the rise, but Levin has shown he would rather side with murderers, robbers and violent criminals than prioritize the safety of Southern California.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen

Ben Petersen
Western Press Secretary

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