Andrew Hayes: A Principled Leader Stepping Up for Child Safety

In a bold display of community leadership, Lakeside School Board President Andrew Hayes spearheaded a crucial call for enhanced child safety measures today, emphasizing the imperative need to protect children from potential threats posed by registered sex predators residing in proximity to schools. Hayes led a public gathering outside Riverview Elementary School to voice his concerns and advocate for decisive legislative action.

Joined by PTA leader Alexis Frost and a gathering of concerned parents, Hayes’s message reverberated across the vicinity, resonating with the shared goal of safeguarding children in educational environments. The pivotal event highlighted the pressing issue of sex predators residing near schools and underlined the community’s united demand for change.

For anyone present at the event, the gravity of the situation was underscored by the vivid exhibit on display. Showcasing the locations of Megan’s Law registered sex predators near schools; the illustrative map was a jarring reminder of the threats lurking near where our children study and play. Parents held up signs, reinforcing the community’s collective demand for safety and security for their kids.

Hayes’s proactive approach and his track record of community-centered causes exemplify why he is the only endorsed Republican in the 75th Assembly District race. His dedication, especially evident in his role as the President of the Lakeside School Board, resonates with the core values and needs of his community. Such decisive actions make it obvious why the Republican Party of San Diego County endorsed him; they recognize in Hayes the spirit, commitment, and tenacity essential in a leader.

In challenging times like these, communities lean on leaders who aren’t afraid to confront tough issues, who prioritize the safety of their constituents, and who advocate for change. Andrew Hayes is unquestionably one such leader. His recent advocacy against the threats posed by nearby sex predators underlines his suitability for the seat, marking him as a beacon of hope and action for concerned parents and community members alike.

**TODAY 10:30am**: School Board President Hayes Calls for Ban on Sex Predators Near Schools


August 9, 2023                                 

 Contact: Andrew Hayes (619) 922-7208

School Board President Hayes to

Call for Banning Sex Predators Near Schools

When: August 9, 2023 @ 10:30 am

Where: Riverview Elementary School.

9308 Winter Gardens Blvd. Lakeside, CA 92040

Who: Lakeside School Board President Andrew Hayes; PTA leader Alexis Frost and other concerned parents

What: Hayes will call on his Board, all other school boards and CSBA to demand legislation limiting distance from schools.

Visuals: In front of elementary school. Large colorful exhibit showing location of Megan’s Law sex predators near schools. Parents holding signs.


Image Credit: Canva